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Performance Management

Performance Management is the term used to describe the process a business uses to ensure all employees are aware of the level of performance expected of them, as well as any individual objectives they will need to achieve to achieve overall business goals. Often the key tools that are used are the job description and annual performance review.

It is not uncommon for smaller businesses, not to have specific documented processes in place. Any employee goals and objectives set will be mutually agreed upon between the manager and employee, generally adopting an informal approach. The sole purpose of a performance management system is to assess and ensure that the employee is carrying out their duties which they are employed to do in an effective manner, which is contributing to the overall business objectives.

All staff deserve to know what they are going well, what they need to improve and work to understand how their role contributes to the overall effectiveness of the business. Staff should also be able to provide feedback on a range of areas including their own performance, their managers performance and how well the business looks after their needs.

All staff should have a performance plan as the outcome from their review which includes:

  • An agreed training and development plan

  • Individual / role objectives (that link to the overall business plan)

  • Changes to their job description (if any)

  • An agreed action plan to rectify the employees performance issues, with clear guidelines on how the employees performance will be measured going forward (if any)

  • Core competency

  • Role responsibilities

  • Annual objectives

An effective performance management system will have the effect of focusing staff on the business, departmental and individual objectives; through successfully identifying employees training and development needs, and by providing constructive feedback to your employees on their performance. This enable employees to improve and develop their skill sets within their role, showing the business commitment to the employee by providing them with ongoing career development and training by valuing and recognising their contribution to the business.

At Toni Glass Consulting we have a range of performance management tools that have been developed to make this process as easy as possible. Talk to us today on how we can make this process easy for you.

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